Monday, September 20, 2010

Do you know who this is?

Neither did I.
But when I was checking into a hotel tonight, the lady in front of me said to him
"You look like a football player. Do you play football?"
To which he replied "Yes"
To which she replied "Which team?"
"The Texans"
To which she asked "What's your name?"
And he replied as he was walking away and getting in the elevator Duane Brown.
She told him what a great job he was doing and to keep it up!


  1. I am not a fottball fan but I have never heard of the TEXANS.

  2. LOL Alice. I am a football fan and I didn't know who they were either until about a week ago. I totally spaced out that the Oilers left Houston and now the Houston team is the Texans. I don't like the new name.
