Monday, November 22, 2010

I saw this sign in Indy at the airport.
I often see signs when I'm in the airport.
I almost always wonder what the story is behind the sign.
I have never had anyone pick me up at the airport with a sign.

I thought this sign was especially lovely. Wouldn't you like to be Uncle Herb?


  1. Such pretty colors! Lucky uncle! :)

  2. Do you think that he is a biological uncle? Or, is he and honorary uncle like you are an honorary aunt? Either way, very special indeed.

  3. When we lived in New York, we never drove to the airport. We always had limos take us and pick us up. At first we would always be greeted with the driver holding a sign with our name on it but we always used the same limo service and the same driver so then we recognized the driver as he did us. I remember one time my Mom came to visit and our regular driver picked her up and he had a sign with her name on it and she said she really thought she was someone very important (as she well was!!) BUT WHEN HE opened the door to helop her in the limo she asked if she could sit up front with him so she could talk to him!! His name was Joe (a great driver/friend)and he thought my Mom was the greatest!!!
